EUROSAI Presidency



29/05/2024 Video: Final report on governance portfolios (YouTube)

29/05/2024 Video: EUROSAI strategic plan final report 2017-2024 (YouTube)


28/05/2024 After three years of chairing the European Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI), the Supreme Audit Office President Miloslav Kala will hand over the Presidency to the Supreme Audit Institution of Israel on Monday 27 May 2024. SAI Israel will take over the leadership of the organisation at the two-day online XII EUROSAI Congress. More info (

woman with respirator

23/05/2024 The project group on Auditing the Response to the Covid-19 pandemic has been closed. The project group was led by SAI United Kingdom as part of their portfolio on Emerging Issues and Forward Thinking. Since 2020, 34 SAIs have participated in project group activities, which included knowledge sharing events, online roundtables, surveys, and the development of resources for auditors to use to air their work. More info (pdf 140 kB).

Eurosai Audit Database - Map

As of 30 September 2024, the number of audits shared in the EUROSAI Database of Audits reached 4,819. During the third quarter of 2024, individual contributors added 242 new audits.

To see the statistical data visualization, please look at the interactive map.

R. Visinger and M. Kala

28/02/2024 On Monday 26 February, Radek Visinger, Chairman of the International Board of Auditors of NATO (IBAN), paid a visit to the Supreme Audit Office of the Czech Republic (SAO). The topic of the meeting was audits on defence spending and possible cooperation with the SAO. There was also a discussion about possible cooperation with IBAN at the EUROSAI level.

The traditional meeting of representatives of the Supreme Audit Office (SAO) with Ambassadors of EU countries, representatives of the European Commission and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs took place on Wednesday 21 February 2024 at the SAO headquarters in Prague. Representatives of 20 countries including 13 Ambassadors accepted the invitation. The participants had the opportunity to learn about the current activities of the SAO or about the results of the audits of the use of EU subsidies (EU Report 2023). Mr Jaroslav Rucký, Head of the EUROSAI Presidency Team, presented the activities of the SAO's three-year presidency of EUROSAI, which ends this May.

08/02/2024 What lessons did SAIs learn from the COVID crisis? And how can they be used in future practice? The recent meeting of European auditors in Prague brought new questions and challenges to which not only global policymakers but also SAIs must respond.

The 59th extraordinary EUROSAI Governing Board meeting was held online on 20 December 2023: Summary of Agreements

22/12/2023 During its 59th extraordinary online meeting held on 20 December 2023, the EUROSAI Governing Board (GB) approved the organisation of the XII EUROSAI Congress, including the 60th and 61st GB meetings, which will be held in an online format on 27-28 May 2024. The Supreme Audit Institution of Israel will organise a Post-Congress Conference when the security situation in Israel allows it.

You will receive more information about the online XII EUROSAI Congress in the upcoming weeks. Please find the complete text of the Summary of Agreements of the 59th EUROSAI Governing Board here.

SAI Latvia group photo

State Audit Office of Latvia marks its centenary

24/11/2023 On the occasion of the centenary, the State Audit Office of the Republic of Latvia introduced the notion of AUDIT STRENGTH and organized a conference on 16 August 2023 with the intention to look back on the foundation and essential “turning points” in the history of the State Audit Office and the Republic of Latvia with the aim to evaluate SAI Latvia’s contribution to the overall growth of the country, based upon which a short film was launched on the important role of supreme audit institutions and their impact on society. Full report (pdf 310 kB).

Auditor General of SAI North Macedonia in Prague

The Auditor General of the State Audit Office of North Macedonia visits the EUROSAI President in Prague

25/10/2023 23 October 2023, Mr Maksim Acevski, the Auditor General of SAI North Macedonia, visited Prague to learn about the EUROSAI activities and the course of the EUROSAI Presidency. EUROSAI databases, EUROSAI Secondment Programme, BIEP and the work of several EUROSAI Projects Groups were the key topics of discussions.

24/10/2023 Video from the EUROSAI WGEA meeting in Prague, 25. – 26. September 2023

Eurosai Audit Database - Map

17/07/2023 The number of audits shared in the EUROSAI Database of Audits is still growing. In the final quarter of 2023 alone, individual contributors added results of 95 new audits there. You can see a visualization of the statistical data as of 30/06/2023 in this interactive map. SAI Czech Republic, responsible for the Database, highly appreciates the work of all EUROSAI members, who have devoted their time to sharing their knowledge through the EUROSAI Database of Audits.

4th EUROSAI Governing Board meeting

29/03/2023 On 27-28 March, the 4th EUROSAI Governing Board meeting at technical level was held in Jerusalem. The various working and project groups reported on their activities and future plans. Israeli colleagues, who will take over the EUROSAI Presidency from the Supreme Audit Office of the Czech Republic next year, presented the programme of the next EUROSAI Congress. Last but not least, the participants worked on the new EUROSAI strategic plan. A total of 25 representatives from 12 SAIs arrived to Jerusalem for the meeting.

Jana Ahcin and Miloslav Kala

The President of the Court of Audit of Republic of Slovenia visits the EUROSAI President in Prague

02/03/2023 At the turn of February and March, Ms Jana Ahčin, the President of SAI Slovenia, visited Prague to learn about the progress of the EUROSAI Presidency. EUROSAI databases, SG1 and SG2 project groups, BIEP and the upcoming EUROSAI events were the key topics of discussions.

Online meeting SG1

Projects of the EUROSAI Presidency under the EUROSAI Strategic goal 1

26/01/2023 The total number of 57 representatives from European SAIs met online in January, 25 to evaluate the annual progress of the EUROSAI Strategic Goal 1. The meeting was moderated by SAI Germany with the support of SAI Lithuania. The Czech Presidency reported on BIEP, the EUROSAI Databases and the upcoming statutory and other meetings of the organisation.

Delegation from the SAO SR

The President of Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic visits the EUROSAI President in Prague

26/01/2023 Mr Ľubomír Andrassy, the President of SAI Slovakia, paid a one-day visit to Prague to discuss the pitfalls and benefits of the current EUROSAI Presidency with the President Miloslav Kala. On this occasion, he also visited the future headquarters of SAO CR.

16/11/2022 EUROSAI Governing Board Portfolios - video for INCOSAI 2022 in Brazil


31/05/2022 The President of EUROSAI sincerely thanks all representatives who have attended and contributed to the EUROSAI Post-Congress Get-Together in Prague. You can find a small reminder of the unforgettable times in the Gallery section. Please follow this website for summaries of the workshops and further follow-up information that will be uploaded gradually.

26/01/2022 The EUROSAI Presidency Team has compiled a selection of Season’s greetings from our colleagues in EUROSAI in a short video which you can watch below. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the lovely wishes we have received – we wish we could fit them all in the video, but it would go on for hours...



As we try to make the choice of topics as wide as possible, we have taken all areas of audit life into consideration. We are happy to present a brief overview regarding the 9 workshops of the Prague Post-Congress Get-Together to you.

Upcoming Events

EUROSAI Presidency Programme 2021–2024

Presidency starts: The XI EUROSAI Congress, 14 April 2021
Presidency ends: The XII EUROSAI Congress to be held in Israel in May/June 2024

What should EUROSAI look like in 2024?

The objective of the SAI Czech Republic Presidency of EUROSAI is to offer EUROSAI members platforms to promote and further develop cooperation among SAIs and EUROSAI working groups and project groups. As recent events have shown, international cooperation has become even more important, especially on issues related to pan-European topics such as health care, environment, transport, etc.

Our aim for EUROSAI is to respond flexibly to the challenges of modern times and to seek appropriate responses to provide added value to its members and to the citizens of each country. In this respect, SAI Czech Republic will encourage EUROSAI members to cooperate more closely in finding audit methodologies and procedures.


effectiveness, efficiency,

communication, cooperation, comparison

information, innovation, interactivity


EUROSAI Prague Post-Congress Get-Together (22-24/05/2022, Prague, Czech Republic)



Jaroslav Rucký

Head of the EUROSAI Presidency team

Petra Lanská

Deputy Head of the EUROSAI Presidency team

Michaela Rosecká

Head of the International Relations Department